What Others Say About Us
Yash’s Testimonial – Corporate Business In this busy and ever-changing world keeping up can be quite a challenge. Quite Confidence has given me the belief and tools to effectively meet these challenges with constant awareness while remaining grounded. Quite Confidence achieves this through the simple awareness of choices allowing me to engage and achieve greater outcomes with family, friends, colleagues and clients. Tony has created a remarkable program that allows you to not only understand but experience these choices. Quite Confidence is no longer a program but a way of life for me. Yash Dayal, Chief Strategy Officer - SLS Security
SLS Security
- How do you think Quiet Confidence will help you in your current role?
- If I ever did have an incident then perhaps I would be more equipped to deal with that.
- Have learnt tips to minimise conflict.
- It will help me in a situation that’s physical, not fighting back, keeping calm about the situation and thinking through what to do next.
- Its given me new skills to work on and shown me I don’t need to be physically strong as long as I have belief.
- It will help me a lot to feel more confident, particularly when beginning a new support work with an unknown client.
- Gives me the confidence to put myself first and prepare the Team in their role.
- It will give me the confidence to deal with challenging situations in a correct way.
- Being more mindful and aware of posture, surroundings, ways of getting out of pickles, hopefully without making things worse.
- Great harnessing of participants engagement, linking in our needs, issues and experience. Excellent partnership between presenters and demonstrations will look forward to your cards and checking out your website.
- I think the cards, particularly to myself as a Team Leader will prove very valuable. Perhaps going through one or two exercises could improve the training.
- Thank you I appreciate this and how it was interactive rather than computer technology based. Nice for a change.
Staff comments October 2020- New Plymouth, Palmerston North & Wellington
Staff Members from CCL (North Island)
" It was great to finally meet you both. Thanks again for running this course for us; it has been one of the best received courses we have ever run. I still hope to sit in on an entire session some day. All the best "
John Taylor CEO of Community Connections
" I attended the Kapiti course about 3 weeks ago, our class is a little hard to forget with Jarred in it...lol. I am a big believer in integrity so one of the first things we learnt was integrity and beliefs. For myself I didn't realize how many invisible walls I have up, so through the breathing, grounding and centering techniques, I learnt I can let some of that tension go. I also learnt how I can learn to sweep stress and confrontation to the side, instead of facing it front on, not everything needs to be done by force. it was also interesting too, how we can incorporate distractions and confusion to minimise an escalating situation. I came into the course not knowing what to expect. To me it was a non-violent, holistic approach to self defense, but more proactive approach rather than reactive. Thank you both for the day "
Sonia (North Island)
"Just wanted to thank you for coming in and putting on the course for us, the youth loved it and I was glad to hear that the numbers increased on the last Tuesday. I really appreciate your time and hope that we may be able to do this again in the future." Chelsey Harnell, Youth programme & Recreation Coordinator.
Quiet Confidence conducted Annual Leadership Seminars for the Senior Students in 2014 - 2017. Thank you for again running the seminars this year, it was an excellent day. I am organising for you to run a session on one of our staff only days next year for our staff. John Payne, Deputy Principal Kings College Words from Students of Kings College: “Learning to keep calm in different situations.” “Being able to do tasks that relate to the message.” “The interactive nature of the session.” “Learning how to control problems with little effort.” “Exercises in stability.” “Themes were strong and instructors were very helpful.”
Kings College