Management & Leadership
One definition of leadership is ‘the ability to motivate a group of people to act toward achieving a common goal.”
A good leader requires not only inner confidence in themselves so they can successfully lead a group, the other members of the group also need to recognise outer confidence in their leader. This assists them to have greater trust that they will be supported in whatever challenges the group may meet, and to achieve their aim as a collective, whilst working on the common goal.
As Quiet Confidence provides both inner and outer confidence to all members of a group, leaders benefit by being more aware of their own abilities, and that of other leaders – their peers. Therefore they will help each other to grow.
Similarly, when those being led recognise exceptional outer confidence in their leader, their own confidence levels and self-esteem will improve almost naturally. One example of a positive outcome is that their fears of ‘standing up’ or ‘standing out’ for what they believe in will be reduced if not eliminated completely because they will see it is okay to be themselves, to speak up without fearing conflict like they might have had in the past.