Hey there and welcome to my very first blog… ever!

I’m so glad you’ve joined me.

Who says we’re too old to post? Many people I know say it’s just “for the young ones.” Or they say “it’s just too hard to figure out.” Well, I don’t believe it!

I’ve always wanted to share some of the valuable lessons and learnings that life has taught me, especially the DO’s and also the DON’Ts.

So with that in mind…

Why Quiet Confidence?

I just loved the name, don’t you? And purely by chance or divine intervention (whatever your preference) I came about meeting the creator of Quiet Confidence, Tony Schaufelberger. We have been friends ever since, and now I’m part of this wonderful learning and sharing it with everyone who wants to grow and become more confident in their journey.

Here’s what the official website says about us:

  • A training program…

But it’s more than that

  • Excellent strategies to keep you safe…

…But it’s more than that

  • Tools and learnings of how to escape from physical restraints…

…Yep, again, it’s much more than that!

It’s not just a program, it’s something I can use for every part of my life. It’s not just applicable to the physical world, but also to my emotions and well-being – how I keep myself safe. How do I stay balanced and grounded in the middle of a heated argument? How can I deflect the verbal assaults when someone wants to give me a ‘piece of their mind’?

Quiet Confidence gives me all of that and more. It has helped me find a contentment in who I am, and helps me make good choices when I come from a calm state of mind and physiology. There’s no ‘hocus pocus’ in the learnings.

Each time I practice the exercises and strategies, I learn more. I have become more self aware of who I am, and the surroundings and situations I find myself in. It has helped me make good choices for the better, without the need for an angry or violent reaction, or harmful retaliation.

Quiet Confidence is a must for high pressure situations.

Many of the strategies have been adapted from basic martial arts, but without the aggression – without the breaking of bones and crushing of wind-pipes (as many martial arts teach). We believe Quiet Confidence incorporates a high form of martial arts, as it’s to do with our own personal integrity and ethics. To keep yourself safe, and even your attacker or the other person safe, without using any aggression in retaliation towards them.

Quiet Confidence incorporates a high form of martial arts, as it’s to do with our own personal integrity and ethics.

Come along with me on this journey of learning and growing each week, as I will include other things about Quiet Confidence which I know will be helpful.

To get you started, have a look at the Three Pillars of Quiet Confidence, and see what we’re all about.